cebit day 1 : – 10 mar 2005

10 03 2005

today 10 of march was the first official day in cebit, we all were excited and also nervours i would say.

i had to man the booth for sometime and talking to the customers was a different exp for me. i wore black coat and pant and also a blue shirt with a suitable tie. i think the only thing that did not suit me was the bloody haircut.

the day progressed well enough,,roamed around a bit in the afternoon in cebit…..

soon it was 1800 and all the stalls in cebit start to close. went on to go to a chineese restaurant from there and we were six people totaly

dietmar wendling – vice president sales
udo kast – marketing incharge for chipdrive
beatrix luther (we call her bea) – sales for pcs products, senior level
pamela kelch ( we call her pam ) – sales assistant
felix schiender – son of our ceo – he is in dtv division

and me

the dinner was good, and guess what, i had roasted duck !!!!!!! and also had saaki, the alcohol drink made from rice, we shared some good moments and came to hotel, where we had some more beer and stuff, the converstaion started to get in german and i decided to leave the place.

came to room at around 1130 and slept,

the same hotel is shared by our competitors and we have to stare at their faces every morning for breakfast !



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